VC Refurbishment and conversion of the Villa Carlshagen in Potsdam as the headquarters of the Health and Medical University Potsdam, in collaboration with Maria Rita Baragiotta, 2018 - 2020

VC renovation, conversion and repurposing of the Villa Carlshagen in Potsdam as the headquarters of the HMU Health and Medical University Potsdam, in cooperation with Dr. Arch. Maria Rita Baragiotta, 2017 - 2019
how to deal with a building that plays a role in the collective memory, in whose history ruptures and destruction are interwoven, in which hardly any remnants of the once rich furnishings can be found and conversions have erased the historical traces?
the restoration addresses these ruptures and translates the traditional design themes of the interior spaces into intense atmospheres.
the chosen materials and colours of the furnishings are based on the findings, newly added elements are treated equally; colour moods are taken up and intensified by different surface qualities and absorb the light and mood of the surrounding garden.